Thursday, September 17, 2015

On the rise...Hitokiri!!

This week we had two not one but TWO interviews!!! I found this band via twitter. Right away I knew they were one band to watch for. Due to my conflicting schedules I haven't been able to see them live....yet...I hope that will change in October! I could go on typing about this band but I think it would be more enjoyable to check them for yourself. Here is my recent interview with the band Hitokiri! Enjoy Munsters! 

Lacey-Origin of band name?

Hitokiri: We were looking for a name after having a taken name for quite a while. We wanted something that sounded unique from other bands that were doing around what we were doing. Our vocalist, Cody, proposed the name Battousai, but we didn't want to be named after an anime. The person that Battousai was created after was a hitokiri. We all liked the ring of it and it had an interesting history. A hitokiri is a samurai elite and considered undefeatable by normal people. The word, roughly, translates to human cutter.

Lacey-Which famous bands do you admire and why?

Michael (Guitar): Stick to Your Guns, The Story So Far, Neck Deep, Taking BackSunday, Brand New, Buddy Holly, Modern Baseball, Roy Hamilton, Defeater, Northlane, Stray from the Path, The Ghost Inside, Gideon, Sworn In... All these bands or artists have impacted my life and inspired me at one point. I love a lot of different music.
Jake (Guitar / Vocals): Deftones, The Story So Far, Green Day. I don't listen to a lot of "famous" bands. Green Day got me into music, Deftones kept me in music when I tried giving up. Knocked Loose, Kublai Khan, and an old local band This, My Vendetta are all in my top ten and definitely worth mentioning though.
Drew (Bass): The Amity Affliction, Stick to Your Guns, Turnover, The Story So Far, and Modern Baseball. The main reason I admire these bands would have to be the stage presence they bring every time they perform and their meaningful lyrics.
Cristian (Drums): Architects, August Burns Red, The Devil Wears Prada, Sylar, Reflections, and Underoath. 

Lacey-Describe your sound to new listeners?

Hitokiri: A blend of hardcore and metalcore. We've been described as heavy hardcore. We can't call ourselves hardcore, so we just call ourselves "Heavy"; hence "Glendale Heavy."

Lacey-Most memorable show so far?

Cody (Vocals): Knocked Loose with Orthodox Straight Edge, Another Mistake, and all the locals on that bill (8/29). Memories were made.
Michael (Guitar): Knocked Loose (8/29) was my favorite show because we played with our good friends in Disservice and Lifelink. The locals were stacked for that show. Loved the response we got.
Jake (Guitar / Vocals): We played a show with Knocked Loose (8/28). It was so much fun to play with the majority of my favourite local bands. Knocked Loose is easily one of the best bands around.
Drew (Bass): Knocked Loose (8/29) was easily one of the best shows I've ever played. The energy in the room was unimaginable.
Cristian (Drums): Silent Planet at 51West back in June (6/15).

Lacey-Where do you see the band in five years?

Hitokiri: Touring, with a few more releases under our belt, a solid fan base, current line-up. Still being the same best of friends we are now. We will be more than happy regardless of if we are big or not. We're best friends.

Lacey-What inspires you guys during the writing process?

Cody (Vocals): I try and be true to myself, and write about things that trouble me (as cliche as that sounds).
Michael (Guitar): I love writing when there are twinkles lighting the room because it makes me feel at peace with myself. I also love writing when I'm with Jake -- we bounce off of each other very cohesively. When I write, its my chance to share with the world what I'm feeling like, through the music.
Jake (Guitar / Vocals): Something I hear in my head that I try to recreate. Most of the time, I mess around on my guitar until I find something I'm in love with. I want to create music that creates a reaction, so that's always on my mind. Mikey and I's writing usually is complimenting in that we'll usually write chunks to songs at different times so long as it fits the tone or direction of the song. 
Cristian (Drums): To be unique and not have every song sound the same with a different breakdown pattern.

Lacey-This next set is my random fire questions...Something fun and light

Lacey-Pizza or Pasta?

Hitokiri: Pizza

Lacey-Ghost or Goblin?

Cody (Vocals): Ghost.
Michael (Guitar): Goblin.
Jake (Guitar / Vocals): Ghost.
Drew (Bass): Ghost.
Cristian (Drums): Ghost.

Lacey-Favorite album and why?

Cody (Vocals): Slipknot - Self-Titled. My stepdad got it for me when I was around 11 years old and it's more or less the reason I started to pursue music.
Michael (Guitar): Senses Fail - Let It Enfold You. This album got me into music and got me into wanting to start a band.
Jake (Guitar / Vocals): I can never narrow it down. AdrenalineAround the Fur, and Deftones by Deftones; Knocked Loose - Pop Culture; and This, My Vendetta -Lineage.
Drew (Bass): Basement - Colourmeinkindness. This album really inspired me to incorporate certain riffs and overall grunginess to my writing style.
Cristian (Drums): Underoath - They're Only Chasing Safety. Its almost 12 years old and it still holds up as a solid album.

Lacey-Any rituals before a show?

Cody (Vocals): I try to drink some coffee before I get on stage.
Michael (Guitar): I always wash my hands before I play, drink a full water bottle, and get super agitated (so I can release it on stage)!
Jake (Guitar / Vocals): I have Crohn's, so I try to poop.
Drew (Bass): None.
Cristian (Drums): None.

Lacey-Best thing since sliced bread?

Cody (Vocals): Extra strength garlic sparkling power bait.
Michael (Guitar): Batman.
Jake (Guitar / Vocals): Dogs.
Drew (Bass): The selfie stick.
Cristian (Drums): Vegan sliced bread.

Lacey-Last but not least anything you guys would like to add in closing?

Hitokiri: Thank you for interviewing us! We love everyone who has given Hitokiri a chance and supported us. We've put a lot of effort into this. Huge thank you to Dmitri at Mantooth -- the best lead feature guest vocalist of all time.

HITOKIRI  //  Glendale, Arizona
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Bandcamp | Big Cartel

Photo Cred. Nick Imholte, and Jake Tingley Album Artwork done by Jake Tingley

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Right to the core... Murkocet!!!

Hey there Munsters!! I got a chance to speak with Richie Jano lead singer from the Band Murkocet. I first saw them at Joes's Grotto, They have a incredible stage presence and sound that rocks you to the core. Following the interview I have posted pics from one of there shows! To catch them live, October 3rd at Pub Rocks in Scottsdale AZ.

Lacey-What inspired you to form the band?
Richie - Our band was formed as a result of several tryouts for our guitarist's other band.  Mike our drummer and Richie our vocalist had both tried out for drums.  Mike's heavy metal antics were noticed immediately, and the next day at Richie's audition he had shown some skill over the microphone; enough to convince our guitarist John that we should all meet and form a new heavy metal project.  As we continued to jam and practice we eventually realized we had a solid chemistry and decided to continue writing our own material.

Lacey-Origin of the band name?

Richie-The origin of the band name is actually a funny story, considering that it is Richie's Xbox Live gamertag. It was initially a joke, however it caught the ears of the other band members and we ended up running with it. The name is a play on words between the word Murk and Percocet, basically meaning that Murkocet is a substance that makes people crazy; which in essence would be our music. This ended up working out perfectly for us as a band name.

Lacey-What do you think sets you apart from other bands in the same genre?

Richie-We are extremely interactive with our crowds, and within the genre we feel that that is extremely important. We practice diligently 4-5 times a week to maintain our sound and work on continually providing something much heavier and exciting each time we write something new. We also try to make our shows as fun for the crowd as possible, as opposed to simply reciting our songs one by one on stage.

Lacey-In the writing process is it a single person or a group effort?

Richie-The writing process is a group effort, each song may have more of someone else's touch on it, however it takes all four of us to put it together to make it sound the way it is supposed to. We allow for the creativity of each of our members to show through our music to allow for maximum creative output.

Lacey-How does the music affect the lyrics or vise versa?

Richie-The music is extremely cohesive, we believe that in order to receive the message that lyrics are trying to communicate, the music must resemble that at all times, thus allowing for the music to truly mean something, and the words to be listened to, rather than just heard.

Lacey-What was the first tune you learned?

Richie-Hatebreed - Smash Your Enemies

Lacey-Which famous musicians do you admire and why?

Richie-There are so many that we admire, typically bands like Lamb of God, Slipknot, Bleeding Through, and many others.

Lacey-This next set is my random fire...Something light and goofy

Lacey-Board games or Card games?

Richie-Card games

Lacey-Bubbles or Bubbles Gum?


Lacey-One song that is your guilty pleasure?

Richie-Owl City - Good Time ahahahahahaha

Lacey-What do you want to be reincarnated as and why?

Richie-A German Shepherd, it would just be dope.

Lacey-First thing you grab when you are off tour?
Richie-Hopefully we'll find out soon enough.

Lacey-Album you are really digging at the current moment?

Richie-Bleeding Through - Portrait of the Goddess

Lacey-Anything you would like to add in closing?

Richie-If you feel like you haven't seen any good metal shows lately, or are worried about what you should be listening to because everything else seems old...we highly recommend you give us just one chance to knock you on your ass with our show. We believe that we can give Arizona metal heads something to look forward to and something to be proud of as far as this scene goes. WE ARE THAT BAND that you have been waiting for, and we will not disappoint you. Feel free to hit us up at and look forward to our EP coming out very soon, and a bunch of other nonsense that we have lined up for you guys :)