Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Triguna Band Interview!!!!!!

I recently got to talk to Claude Bird lead singer for the band Triguna. From Chicago and formed in 2012. This metal band is definitely one to watch. Without further adieu here is my sit down with Claude. Enjoy!!

Lacey-Writing the lyrics, Is it a single person or a collaborative effort?
Bird-The writing itself is a single person, but we bounce off ideas from one another to try and come up with what would best fit with the piece of music we’re working with. I do the writing itself and choose the end product but everyone throws their own suggestions in freely

Lacey-What would you like yours fans to gain after listing to your album, “Embryonic Forms”?
   Bird-If people could have a great time jamming out to our music, that would be enough for us. We weren’t exactly looking to change any lives with this, we just wanted to make something that sounded good and could translate all of the work we put into it.

Lacey-For your first times listeners, what track would you recommend?
Bird-False Faith is a good track to start with in my opinion. I think it captures what we were about in the beginning of writing the whole things, and then to peer into what we want to accomplish in the future I would definitely recommend Abandonment.

Lacey-Best venue you guys have played so far? Which venue would be your ideal spot?
Bird-I have to say the best venue we played at was Haegersbend Roadhouse. Its just a little bar type place in the middle of a neighborhood but the vibe it gives off and how homely it is makes it feel like so much more. As for ideal spot, we’re still trying to get our feet wet and discover that. We hope one day to be performing in larger venues with bigger and more elaborate stages and setups so as for that, I think its something we have yet to discover

Lacey-What do you as a band hope to have accomplished in the next five years?
Bird-In the next five years ideally we would love to be setup with a label of sorts and be in the middle of some international tour, but we’d be happy with just pumping out a lot of music and albums for the next couple years. As long as we were able to express ourselves in that way I believe we will all be happy with just accomplishing that.

Lacey-To people who dont know you guys yet, what would you label your sound and why?
Bird-I would call us thrash metal. It just has that get up and go feel for the most part. Calling it death wouldn’t be necessarily wrong either because that brutality is there all the same.

This next set is of questions are are my random fire questions

Lacey-Favorite color socks?
Bird-Black without a doubt. Ankle or regular, they don’t pick up stains or anything so they’re always good to go.

Lacey-They say music can tell a lot about a person, So what are your top three songs on your current playlist?
Bird-I’ve been jamming Rage by Atilla quite frequently in the car, then Colony by In Flames is always a go to for jamming, and the last song that finds its way into my speakers is Edgecrusher by Fear Factory, it’s just a great pump up song.

Lacey- Favorite food?
Bird-Definitely ice cream. Its good at any time of the day, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says. There has never been a moment in my life where I have not wanted ice cream.

Lacey- Last but not least...Romance or cars?
Bird-Romance, I’m quite the sucker for chivalry and adorable pet names and stuff like that. I’m that kind of guy that will write the poems and hold the car door open. The whole idea of romance is just way too exciting.

This concluded my interview. If you haven't heard them go check them out on Facebook, Twitter, reverberation and their website Trigunaband.com. Check out their album out now Embryonic Forms!! Thank you for the interview and look forward to hearing more from you guys!!

Monday, August 10, 2015

LORD interview!!!!!!!

I recently got to talk to Andy Dowling bass player for the band LORD. Before we get into the interview I would like to give you a little background on this band. LORD is a metal band out of Australia and formed in 2006. LORD has released two EP's and four full length albums. Prior to their name LORD, They went by the name Dungeon. Dungeon Had released nine albums and and international dvd. At the time LORD was a side project but since their was a shift in the band's line up. They dropped the Dungeon name and went with LORD. The Melodic Metal band has toured with Megadeath, Queensryche, Gamma Ray, Iced Earth, and Nevermore just to name a few. Now lets jump into the interview kiddies!

Lacey- Collectively best venue you guys have done? and any venue you would want to revisit?
Andy- Ah this is a hard one as there have been so many over the years. Playing packed rooms in Japan has been great and it’s amazing the high standard that they have with their live venues there. Everything is well organised, plenty of venue crew, great gear and well looked after. Many awesome Australian venues that we've played over the years as well. It's really hard to chose and most of them we would and do return on multiple occasions! Part of the touring gig I guess. Sometimes for better or worse!
Lacey- Who taught you how to play? and what was your first guitar?
Andy- I play bass personally and it was a mixture of self taught and some basic lessons from my father and at school. I did start out with guitar but then moved onto bass because I wanted to play in a band, and at the time everyone wanted to be a guitarist but no one wanted to play bass. Bass was my ticket to the stage!
Lacey-First riff that you learned?
Andy- One of the first riffs would have been Blackbird by The Beatles on acoustic guitar.
Lacey-I read in the bio that you're Australia's best kept secret. Why is that?
Andy-You don't agree? :-) Well, we are still virtually unknown in the mainstream world and in other markets such as the US and in parts of Europe. Honestly, the listener can judge for themselves and whilst we take what we do very seriously, we also are very tongue-in-cheek!
Lacey-What's next for you guys?
Andy- We have a number of Australian shows locked in for the remainder of 2015 including a special show with Germany's Helloween in Sydney which should be a lot of fun. Helloween are a huge influence on our music and we've even covered a couple of their songs (including 'Someone's Crying' that's on our latest EP!).
Lacey-Current tour dates? Any US dates in the future?
Andy- Just Australian dates for the remainder of the year that can be found on our website as they are announced. We'd love to get over to the US, however at the moment we are just trying to connect with as many people over there as possible first. The more people who hear our music and enjoy what we do, the better the chances of getting over there in the near future! Regardless, the US is definitely on our radar!
Lacey-To the new listeners what album and track would you recommend and why?
Andy- I think that any of our video clips on our YouTube channel are a great start. Not only are they highlights from our albums, but also give a great visual representation of what we are all about. My personal recommendation would be Final Seconds, Betrayal Blind, Forever and New Horizons.
These next few questions are goofy random fire questions, a little something I like to do with band members at  the end of an interview

Lacey- Sneakers or flip flops?
Andy- We call flip flops, thongs! It really depends on the situation and location however overall I would pick sneakers over thongs! :-)
Lacey- The first thing you grab once you're off tour?
Andy- The taps of my shower and then my pillow.
Lacey-Romance or cars?
Andy- Romance. Nothing better.
Lacey- Board games or card games?
Andy- Depends on the specific game, but probably board games!
Lacey- They say music tells a lot about a person so what are your top three songs on your current play list?
Andy- Work of Art - Time to Let Go, Evergrey - Black Undertow, and Icehouse - Don't Believe  Anymore
Lacey- In closing is there anything you would like to say ?
Andy- A big Cheers to everyone who  continues to support the band. The more people we can connect with around the world, the more places we can tour. Please keep spreading the word!

This concluded the interview with Andy. We here at Munster Music are excited to have found Australia's best kept secret and plan to share with the world! If you haven't Heard them, Then get off your rear end and check them out, you won't regret it. You can check them out on facebook twitter itunes google play sound cloud and last but not least there website lord.net.au
A big thank you to Andy Dowling and LORD for the opportunity to interview!