Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Real John Kay

Before the holidays I got to talk to the amazingly talented John Kay. I first heard of him through the Koffin Kats. Then I got to listen to his solo work. After listening to his work I knew I wanted to interview for Munster Music, So with much excitement here is the interview with John Kay!

Lacey-How would you describe your music to fans?

John-I don't describe it for anyone.  If someone is interested in my music, they give me their email address and I give them my music for free.  They can listen to it and decide on their own what it is to them.  I try to steer clear of staying within any particular style.

Lacey-How much creative control do you have on your own music?

John-All of it.  Plus, I correspond with my fan club regularly, and they give me critical feedback which helps shape my work.

Lacey-What has been the biggest challenge so far?

John-Limiting beliefs.

Lacey-Your own favorite type of music? and how does it differ from what you play?

John-To me, music is like wine: if you like it, it's good.  I listen to a variety of everything, and I'm currently rotating Tom Petty, Kendrick Lamar, Gaz Coombes, Queens Of The Stone Age, David Bowie, and Beethoven, among others.

Lacey-Is there a tour in the works?


Lacey-Most bizarre thing thrown at you while on stage?


Lacey-What all instruments do you play?

John-Drums, bass, guitar, piano/keyboard, percussion, some flute, and vocals.

Lacey-For new comers out there, where can they find you music? (insert links)

John-If you're interested in hearing my music, send me your email address and I'll give you ten songs from my upcoming album for free.

Twitter: @therealjohnkay
InstaGram: @therealjohnkay
Facebook: /therealjohnkay

Lacey-These next few questions are random fire , something light and fun for fans to get to know you.

Lacey-Top 3 songs on your personal playlist?

John-"20/20" - Gaz Coombes
"Eroica (Symphony No. 3)" - Beethoven
"Black Star" - David Bowie

Lacey-Ghost or Goblin?


Lacey-Socks or Sandals?

John-Brand new socks.

Lacey-Best thing before the internet?

John-Talented people.

Lacey-Checkers or Chess?


This concluded our interview. A big thank to John Kay. Keep us posted on tour dates!! As always Munsters check out this artist on the following sites Twitter, InstaGram, Facebook, and Wordpress.